As a result of the ongoing efforts of the Tax Administration Service (SAT) to improve tax collection and reduce tax evasion, tax verification mechanisms are improved year after year through the creation and evolution of various technologies, such as digital tax receipts via the Internet (CFDI), electronic accounting and informative returns, among others.
For taxpayers this has presented significant challenges, such as complying with digital tax regulations at an accelerated pace, adapting their systems to local laws in harmony with their digital transformation strategies, achieving a fair tax contribution, and responding at the speed that the SAT requests information with a high level of accuracy.
We focus on understanding the needs of our clients, as well as finding the best way to identify the problem or objective to be addressed. We rely on the best talent, as well as the best practices and technologies to carry out our work.
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Ciudad de México: Javier Jiménez 55-5262-4800
Monterrey: Baldomero Riojas 81-8345-7000
Guadalajara: Ernesto López Acosta 33-3642-2003
Mérida: Eduardo Crespo 99-9944-6868
Culiacán: Francisco Gaxiola 66-7716-0832
San Luis Potosí: Octavio Arenas 44-4811-9231
Mexicali: Joel Torres 68-6516-3441
San Luis Río Colorado: Daniel Beltrán 65-3534-6950
Puebla: Armando Águila 22-2245-5730
Aguascalientes: Raymundo Martínez 44-9912-1554
La Paz: Cipriano Ceseña 61-2129-3380
Querétaro: Héctor Ibelles 44-2295-2128
Cd. Juárez: Esteban Estrada 65-6687-8063
Veracruz: Oscar Heredia 22-9375-2756
Chihuahua: Alejandro Montes 61-4413-1307
Nuevo Laredo: Gabino Carreño 86-7717-6471
Saltillo: Baldomero Riojas 84-4439-3629
Mexico City: Javier Jiménez 55-5262-4800
Monterrey: Baldomero Riojas 81-8345-7000
Guadalajara: Ernesto López Acosta 33-3642-2003
Mérida: Eduardo Crespo 99-9944-6868
Culiacán: Francisco Gaxiola 66-7716-0832
San Luis Potosí: Octavio Arenas 44-4811-9231
Mexicali: Joel Torres 68-6516-3441
San Luis Río Colorado: Daniel Beltrán 65-3534-6950
Puebla: Armando Águila 22-2245-5730
Aguascalientes: Raymundo Martínez 44-9912-1554
La Paz: Cipriano Ceseña 61-2129-3380
Querétaro: Héctor Ibelles 44-2295-2128
Cd. Juárez: Esteban Estrada 65-6687-8063
Veracruz: Oscar Heredia 22-9375-2756
Chihuahua: Alejandro Montes 61-4413-1307
Nuevo Laredo: Gabino Carreño 86-7717-6471
Saltillo: Baldomero Riojas 84-4439-3629