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Torre Platino. Blvd Rodolfo Sánchez Taboada, No. Ext. 10488-8
Zona Urbana Río Tijuana C.P. 22010

Tijuana, Baja California

Gildardo Olivos


Number of partners: 1
Professional and Administrative Staff: 4
Languages: Spanish, English



Area of specialization: Managing Partner

Education: Economist graduated from ITESM, Monterrey campus. MBA from the same institution, on the Cd. Juárez campus.

Professional Experience: He is an expert in transfer pricing analysis in negotiations with the tax authority in Mexico to obtain APAs for companies in the maquiladora sector. He has collaborated for different international firms, including being in Canada for one of them. He was a consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank in addition to having worked for the Federal Government in the Ministry of Economy. He has extensive experience in intangibles valuation and transfer pricing planning services, mainly within the manufacturing industry of the automotive sector, the maquiladora industry, as well as retail trade and service providers.

Featured recognitions: He was President of the Transfer Pricing Commission at the College of Public Accountants of Baja California. Professor at the Tijuana Technological Institute. Member of the College of Economists of Baja California.

Nuestra posición como empresa líder en el mercado nos exige manejar altos estándares de calidad y eficiencia. Hemos visto en Russell Bedford una Firma que ha sabido cumplir con nuestras necesidades y estándares, respondiendo de manera profesional a los retos que conlleva un sector tan dinámico como en el que competimos

Sergio Duplan, Area President Latin America and Caribbean, Alcon. Novartis